Monday, February 2, 2009


I'm back. My hard drive died. And then after they got it going they found another problem and they wanted to do a system analysis to make sure there was nothing else wrong. So I told them to just keep it and fix it since I didn't want to have to take it back and not have it for another week. So I was pretty well computerless for 2 weeks. I did have access to my husband's computer. I got a few pictures done while I was on the hiatus, but not every day. Back to the grind stone this week. I was working last week and on the weeks I work I really don't have much time for things other than sleeping, eating and working. I didn't want to work on the computer loading things onto it when I was under the pressure of time as that tends to be when I hit the wrong button and will erase something I didn't mean to. I'll be posting new pictures shortly.


  1. WELCOME BACK! Did you take pics each day? A month worth of photos to see :) woot woot

  2. No computer for two weeks?! It would be like me missing my right arm! Glad your back ":o)

  3. Sorry about your hard drive. Glad you are back!
